Drytech low timperature heat pump dryer(close loop type) use for drying Jasmine

Drytech low timperature heat pump dryer(close loop type) use for drying Jasmine

Jasmine, scientific name Jasminum, is a beautiful and fragrant flower belonging to the genus Jasmine in the olive family. They are commonly used as ornamental plants and garden decorations, and are also widely used in making perfumes and scented teas for their aroma.

Here are some features about Jasmine:

Blooms: Jasmine has small, beautiful flowers that are usually white, but some varieties are pale yellow or pink. The multipetal flowers are star-shaped and often have dark stamens between the petals.

Fragrance: Jasmine is known for its fragrance, with a strong floral fragrance, known as the "king of flowers". Its fragrant scent is especially strong at night, as the flowers release more of their scent at night to attract nocturnal butterflies and other insects.

Types: The genus Jasmine includes several species and varieties, some of which are climbers that can grow along walls or fences, and others that are shrubby.

Uses: Jasmine is often used for decoration in the garden and can be cultivated on terraces, balconies or courtyards. They are also widely used to make perfumes, essential oils and herbal teas. Jasmine tea is loved for its light aroma and taste.

Symbolic meaning: Jasmine has different symbolic meanings in different cultures and is often given positive symbols such as love, purity, beauty and hope. In some countries, jasmine is also a national or local flower.

In general, jasmine is a charming flower that plays an important role in gardens and people's daily life with its fragrance and beauty.

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