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DT100H (36pcs trays)

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Drying machine
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Food drying machine,fruit drying machine,meat drying machine,fish drying machine,petfood drying machine
1. energy saving
2. No pollution
3. Touch screen
4. low temperature drying
5. preinstalled,
6.36pcs trays, size 800*600*50mm


Product name





Heat pump



Total power input 5KW






Fan frame









Door sizie








Net size





Packing size





Comparison of several drying methods:

1. Sun exposure, natural drying:
Advantages: low cost, no energy consumption
Disadvantages: It occupies a large area, requires a lot of labor, and the drying time and drying quality cannot be guaranteed due to the weather.

2. Characteristics of traditional drying technology: (coal, fuel oil, electric heating drying)
Advantages: The old equipment can be used without replacement cost, and it can be used with fuel.
(1) Natural gas, coal, and oil are increasingly depleted, and the use of the original drying equipment with high energy consumption and high pollution such as coal and fuel oil will be strictly restricted or even banned, and is currently being eliminated.

(2) The drying temperature is too high. The temperature of traditional drying technology is not easy to control, resulting in poor drying quality.

(3) The drying time is too long. The traditional drying equipment is not perfect, and sometimes it takes longer to rework due to poor drying effect.

(4) High energy consumption. The traditional drying technology has a low thermal efficiency of about 30%-60%. During the drying process, the heat of evaporating water accounts for about 36%, and the loss of exhaust gas accounts for about 58%. The heat taken away by dry materials and the heat of the dryer The losses account for 2% and 2% respectively, and the thermal efficiency is only 40%.

3. Freeze drying
Advantages: Vacuum freeze-drying technology is also called aerospace freeze-drying technology, which refers to using the principle of sublimation in a low-temperature vacuum state of about minus 30-50 degrees, so that the moisture in the pre-frozen food can be directly sublimated into water in the ice state without melting the ice. A technique in which steam is removed, thereby drying the food. It was first used to solve the nutritional problem of food preservation boxes for astronauts during their work in space. Compared with air-drying, dehydration and other technologies, the biggest feature of freeze-dried food is that it retains the color, aroma, taste, shape of the product and the nutritional content of the original ecological food.

Disadvantages: small drying capacity, high energy consumption

4. Heat pump dryers:
(1) The drying temperature can be adjusted according to the material, intelligently controlled, and no manual supervision is required.

(2) The drying time is short. The production process of air energy heat pump drying dehydrated materials reduces the time required by half compared with traditional drying.

(3) The drying quality is good. The materials produced by the air energy heat pump drying process have qualified moisture content, no rework phenomenon, good product color, stable internal quality, and no harmful residues such as SO2.

(4) The amount of energy is low. Since the air energy heat pump drying process uses air circulation, the heating temperature is determined according to the material, the drying time is short, and the capacity is large. Therefore, the heat pump drying process consumes less energy and is a very good energy-saving product. According to tests, the air energy heat pump dryer consumes 75% less energy than traditional dryers.
Disadvantages: pure heat pump drying, the maximum temperature can only reach 80 degrees, using electric heating + heat pump combination, the temperature can reach 120 degrees.
For heat pump drying, 45-65 degrees is recommended, and the heat pump efficiency is the highest in this temperature range.

Heat pump dryer vs gas drying machine
Heat pump dryers and gas drying machines are two common types of drying machine.

Heat pump dryers use a compressor to compress refrigerant, which heats up the air that is used to drying wet products. The hot air is then passed through a heat exchanger, where it cools down and releases moisture. The moisture is collected in a tank, while the air is reheated and circulated back into the dryer. Heat pump dryers are generally more energy-efficient than traditional electric dryers because they recycle the hot air, making them more environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the long run.

On the other hand, gas drying machines use natural gas or propane to heat the air that is used to drying wet products. The gas flame burns in a combustion chamber, which heats up the air that is blown over the clothes. The hot, moist air is then vented out of the dryer and replaced with fresh air. Gas drying machines are generally faster than heat pump dryers, which can be useful when you need your products to dry quickly. However, gas dryers are less energy-efficient and more expensive to operate, particularly if you live in an area where gas prices are high.

Ultimately, the choice between a heat pump dryer and a gas drying machine will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. If you're looking for an environmentally friendly and cost-effective option, a heat pump dryer may be the best choice for you. If you need your clothes to dry quickly and don't mind paying a little extra for gas, a gas dryer may be the better option.


Drytech heat pump dryers marketing FAQ


1.     What are the unique features and benefits of Drytech heat pump dryers?

Drytech heat pump dryers(food drying machine/fruitdrying machine/petfood drying machine/fish drying machine) have several uniquefeatures and benefits, including energy efficiency, reduced environmentalimpact, and superior drying results. They use advanced heat pump technology torecycle hot air and minimize energy consumption, resulting in lower electricitybills and reduced carbon emissions. Additionally, Drytech heat pump dryers aregentler on products than traditional dryers, reducing wear and tear on clothingand extending their lifespan, also lower temperature drying food like sun dry, Lowtemperature drying, no loss of nutrients, no damage to the physical structureof the product, discoloration.

2.    Who are the target customers for Drytech heat pump dryers?

The target customers for Drytech heat pump dryersare environmentally conscious individuals or companies who are looking for anenergy-efficient and sustainable alternative to traditional dryers. They mayalso be interested in the superior drying results that Drytech heat pump dryerscan provide, Application field including food drying companies, petfoodcompanies, dried fruit companies, dried fish companies etc.

3.     What are the pain points and needsof the target customers that can be addressed by Drytech heat pump dryers?

The pain points and needs of the target customersthat can be addressed by Drytech heat pump dryers include high energy costs,concern for the environment, and a desire for gentle and effective drying of products.

4.     How does Drytech heat pump dryerscompare to other types of dryers in terms of efficiency and effectiveness?

Compared to other types of traditional dryerssuch as electric dryers, gas dryers, coal dryers,Drytech heat pump dryers aresignificantly more energy-efficient, with energy savings of up to 75% comparedto traditional dryers. They also provide superior drying results, with fasterdrying times and gentler treatment of products.

5.     What are the environmentalbenefits of using Drytech heat pump dryers?

The environmental benefits of using Drytech heatpump dryers include reduced carbon emissions and lower energy consumption.Drytech heat pump dryers use advanced heat pump technology to recycle hot air,resulting in significantly lower energy consumption and reduced carbonemissions compared to traditional dryers.

6.     What are the pricing options forDrytech heat pump dryers?

The pricing options for Drytech heat pump dryerswill depend on various factors, such as the model and features of the dryer, aswell as the retailer or distributor selling the dryer. Generally, Drytech heatpump dryers are priced at a premium compared to traditional dryers due to theirenergy efficiency and superior drying results.

7.     What is the distribution strategyfor Drytech heat pump dryers?

The distribution strategy for Drytech heat pumpdryers will depend on the target market and the availability of distributionchannels. Drytech heat pump dryers can be sold through online retailers,specialty stores, and home appliance retailers. Additionally, Drytech mayconsider partnering with distributors and wholesalers to expand their reach andavailability.

8.     What are the potentialdistribution channels for Drytech heat pump dryers?

The potential distribution channels for Drytechheat pump dryers include online retailers, specialty stores, home applianceretailers, and wholesalers. Drytech may also consider partnering with othercompanies to expand their reach and availability.

9.     How can Drytech heat pump dryersbe promoted to potential customers?

Drytech heat pump dryers can be promoted to potentialcustomers through various marketing channels, such as social media, onlineadvertising, content marketing, email marketing, and influencer marketing. Theycan also be promoted through traditional advertising methods, such as TV,radio, and print ads.

10. What are the key messages thatshould be communicated in Drytech heat pump dryers' marketing?

The key messages that should be communicated inDrytech heat pump dryers' marketing include their energy efficiency,environmental sustainability, superior drying results, and gentleness onfabrics. The marketing should also highlight the cost savings and reducedcarbon footprint that come with using Drytech heat pump dryers.

11. What are the potential barriers toadoption for Drytech heat pump dryers?

Potential barriers to adoption for Drytech heatpump dryers may include their higher price point compared to traditionaldryers, a lack of awareness or education about the benefits of heat pumptechnology, and resistance to change from traditional drying methods.

12. What are the potentialcollaborations that Drytech could pursue to increase brand awareness?

Drytech could collaborate with influencers in thesustainability and home appliance industries to increase brand awareness.Additionally, they could partner with environmental organizations to promotethe environmental benefits of using Drytech heat pump dryers.

13. What are the potential customerloyalty programs that Drytech could implement?

Drytech could implement customer loyalty programsthat reward customers for repeat purchases, referrals, and social mediaengagement. Additionally, they could offer extended warranties or maintenanceplans to incentivize customers to choose Drytech heat pump dryers overtraditional dryers.

14. What are the potentialopportunities for Drytech in international markets?

There is potential for Drytech to expand intointernational markets, particularly in regions with high energy costs or astrong focus on sustainability. Drytech could partner with distributors orwholesalers in these regions to expand their reach and availability.

15. How can Drytech differentiateitself from competitors in the heat pump dryer market?

Drytech candifferentiate itself from competitors in the heat pump dryer market byhighlighting the superior drying results, energy efficiency, and gentleness on productsthat Drytech heat pump dryers offer. They could also differentiate themselvesby offering exceptional customer service, such as extended warranties ormaintenance plans, and by positioning themselves as a sustainability-focusedcompany.

16. What are the potential influencermarketing strategies that Drytech could implement?

Drytech could partner with influencers in thesustainability and home appliance industries to promote the benefits of usingDrytech heat pump dryers. These influencers could share their personalexperiences with the product or create sponsored content highlighting theenergy savings and environmental benefits.

DT100H (36pcs trays)
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