Drytech heat pump dryer used to drying Sanqi (Panax notoginseng)

Drytech heat pump dryer used to drying Sanqi (Panax notoginseng)

The efficacy and functions of Sanqi (Panax notoginseng) are as follows:
Promoting Blood Circulation and Alleviating Pain: Sanqi has the ability to promote blood circulation and dissolve stasis, which can relieve pain, particularly in cases of bruises, blood stasis, and blood clot-related pain.

Hemostasis: Sanqi can help reduce bleeding symptoms and is used for conditions such as nosebleeds and gastrointestinal bleeding.
Lowering Blood Lipids: Sanqi can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, promoting cardiovascular health.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Sanqi contains bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can reduce inflammation and symptoms related to oxidative stress.

Immune System Regulation: Sanqi enhances the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infections and diseases.
Heart Protection: Sanqi contributes to heart health, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Improving Microcirculation: Sanqi can enhance microcirculation, aiding in the maintenance of normal tissue and organ function.
Anti-Aging: Due to its antioxidant properties, Sanqi can delay cellular aging, potentially benefiting skin health and skincare.

It is important to note that Sanqi is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, and its use should be based on the guidance and prescription of a healthcare professional. It may interact with certain medications or have inappropriate side effects in certain situations. Self-medication with Sanqi or other herbal remedies is not recommended, and it should be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider.

Drying Sanqi (Panax notoginseng) typically requires specialized equipment and conditions to ensure that the drying process does not affect its medicinal properties. Here are the general steps and precautions for drying Sanqi:
Prepare Sanqi Roots: First, thoroughly wash the freshly harvested Sanqi roots to remove dirt and impurities. Rinse them with clean water and allow them to air dry to remove surface moisture.
Cutting: Cut the Sanqi roots into appropriately sized chunks or slices. This helps achieve more uniform drying.
Select Drying Equipment: Use specialized medicinal herb drying equipment, which usually has controllable temperature and humidity settings to ensure that Sanqi is dried under suitable conditions.
Set Temperature and Humidity: Adjust the drying temperature and humidity settings according to the characteristics of Sanqi. Generally, the drying temperature should be kept low to avoid damaging the medicinal components of Sanqi.
Drying Time: Drying time is typically long and may take several days or weeks, depending on the moisture content and thickness of the Sanqi.
Inspect and Turn: Regularly inspect the condition of Sanqi to ensure even drying. Turn the Sanqi pieces to promote uniform drying.

Store Dried Sanqi: Once the Sanqi is completely dried, store it in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture absorption and moisture damage.
Adhere to Medicinal Quality Standards: During the drying process, follow relevant medicinal herb quality standards to ensure that the dried Sanqi meets medicinal quality requirements.
Please note that Sanqi is an important medicinal herb, and the drying process needs to be carried out with great care to preserve its medicinal efficacy and quality. It is best to dry Sanqi under the guidance of a professional traditional Chinese medicine practitioner or herbal expert to ensure compliance with medicinal herb quality standards. Attempting to dry Sanqi without professional knowledge and equipment is not recommended.

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