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DT300H(100pcs trays)

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Drying machine
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1. energy saving
2. No pollution
3. Touch screen
4. low temperature drying
5. preinstalled,
6.100pcs trays, size 800*600*50mm,
7.Stainless steel body


Product name





Heat pump

3HP(380V/220V,SS body)


Total power input 5.5KW+electric heater 9.0KW=14.5KW






Fan frame




2 sides SS chamber








Electric heater




Comparison of several drying methods:

1. Sun exposure, natural drying:
Advantages: low cost, no energy consumption
Disadvantages: It occupies a large area, requires a lot of labor, and the drying time and drying quality cannot be guaranteed due to the weather.

2. Characteristics of traditional drying technology: (coal, fuel oil, electric heating drying)
Advantages: The old equipment can be used without replacement cost, and it can be used with fuel.
(1) Natural gas, coal, and oil are increasingly depleted, and the use of the original drying equipment with high energy consumption and high pollution such as coal and fuel oil will be strictly restricted or even banned, and is currently being eliminated.

(2) The drying temperature is too high. The temperature of traditional drying technology is not easy to control, resulting in poor drying quality.

(3) The drying time is too long. The traditional drying equipment is not perfect, and sometimes it takes longer to rework due to poor drying effect.

(4) High energy consumption. The traditional drying technology has a low thermal efficiency of about 30%-60%. During the drying process, the heat of evaporating water accounts for about 36%, and the loss of exhaust gas accounts for about 58%. The heat taken away by dry materials and the heat of the dryer The losses account for 2% and 2% respectively, and the thermal efficiency is only 40%.

3. Freeze drying
Advantages: Vacuum freeze-drying technology is also called aerospace freeze-drying technology, which refers to using the principle of sublimation in a low-temperature vacuum state of about minus 30-50 degrees, so that the moisture in the pre-frozen food can be directly sublimated into water in the ice state without melting the ice. A technique in which steam is removed, thereby drying the food. It was first used to solve the nutritional problem of food preservation boxes for astronauts during their work in space. Compared with air-drying, dehydration and other technologies, the biggest feature of freeze-dried food is that it retains the color, aroma, taste, shape of the product and the nutritional content of the original ecological food.

Disadvantages: small drying capacity, high energy consumption

4. Heat pump dryers:
(1) The drying temperature can be adjusted according to the material, intelligently controlled, and no manual supervision is required.

(2) The drying time is short. The production process of air energy heat pump drying dehydrated materials reduces the time required by half compared with traditional drying.

(3) The drying quality is good. The materials produced by the air energy heat pump drying process have qualified moisture content, no rework phenomenon, good product color, stable internal quality, and no harmful residues such as SO2.

(4) The amount of energy is low. Since the air energy heat pump drying process uses air circulation, the heating temperature is determined according to the material, the drying time is short, and the capacity is large. Therefore, the heat pump drying process consumes less energy and is a very good energy-saving product. According to tests, the air energy heat pump dryer consumes 75% less energy than traditional dryers.
Disadvantages: pure heat pump drying, the maximum temperature can only reach 80 degrees, using electric heating + heat pump combination, the temperature can reach 120 degrees.
For heat pump drying, 45-65 degrees is recommended, and the heat pump efficiency is the highest in this temperature range.


Heat pump dryer vs electric dryers

Heat pump dryers and electric dryers are two different types of Drying machine that use different methods to remove moisture from wet products. Here are some differences between the two:

Energy efficiency: Heat pump dryers are generally more energy-efficient than electric dryers because they use a heat pump system to recycle hot air, rather than generating new hot air with electricity. Heat pump dryers can save up to 60% on energy costs compared to electric dryers.
Cost: Heat pump dryers are typically more expensive than electric dryers, both in terms of upfront cost and maintenance costs. However, the energy savings over time can offset the higher initial cost.
Drying time: Heat pump dryers may take longer to drying than electric dryers, as they use a lower temperature and a longer drying cycle. However, they may be gentler on products and can help prevent over-drying.
Environmental impact: Heat pump dryers have a lower environmental impact than electric dryers, as they use less energy and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
Maintenance: Heat pump dryers require more maintenance than electric dryers, as they have a more complex system with a condenser and a heat pump. However, regular cleaning and maintenance can help ensure optimal performance and prevent breakdowns.
Overall, the choice between a heat pump dryer and an electric dryer will depend on your priorities, such as energy efficiency, cost, and environmental impact. Heat pump dryers may be a good option for those who prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability, while electric dryers may be a better choice for those who prioritize lower upfront cost and faster drying times.

The DT300H (100pcs trays) is a versatile food drying machine compatible with a variety of applications, such as drying fruit, drying herbs, drying pet food, drying fish, and drying meat,drying fish.


Why choose Drytech heat pump dryers?


1.     Are you tired of wasting energyand money on traditional dryers?

Traditional dryers consume a lotof electricity, and the cost of drying a single load of - can add up tohundreds of dollars per year. Additionally, traditional dryers generate heatand humidity, which can negatively impact your indoor air quality and yourhealth.

Solve:  With Drytech heat pump dryers, you can saveenergy and money without sacrificing quality. Our advanced technology usesminimal energy and extracts humidity from the air, improving indoor airquality. Drytech heat pump dryers also dry products more quickly and gently,accommodating a range of products.


2.     Does your current dryer takeforever to dry products? - Waiting long time for fresh products to dry can befrustrating and time-consuming, leaving you with damp or get mouldy. This canalso lead to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills.

Solve: With Drytechheat pump dryers, you can dry your wet products faster without compromisingquality. Our advanced technology uses minimal energy and extracts humidity fromthe air, improving indoor air quality. Drytech heat pump dryers also dryingtime shorter more and gently, accommodating a range of products.


3. Do you worry about theenvironmental impact of traditional dryers? - Traditional dryers are notenvironmentally friendly, using excessive amounts of energy and producing heatand humidity that can harm indoor air quality. This can also contribute to theoverall carbon footprint of your household.

 Solve: With Drytech heat pump dryers, you canreduce your environmental impact while still enjoying the convenience of adryer. Our advanced technology uses minimal energy and extracts humidity fromthe air, improving indoor air quality. Drytech heat pump dryers also dryingtime shorter more and gently, accommodating a range of products.

4. Are you tired of your products shrinking andfading and drying time too long in the dryer? - Traditional dryers can damageproducts, causing them to shrink, fade, or lose their shape. This can befrustrating and expensive, as you may need to replace or lost dried productsmore frequently.

Solve: With Drytech heat pumpdryers, you can dry your products gently, reducing the risk of damage andextending the life of your products. Our advanced technology uses minimalenergy and extracts humidity from the air, improving indoor air quality. Drytechheat pump dryers also dry products more quickly and gently, accommodating arange of products.

5. Do you worry about the safety oftraditional dryers? - Traditional dryers can pose a fire hazard if notmaintained properly. This can be a serious safety concern for you and yourfamily.

Solve: With Drytech heat pumpdryers, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that our advanced technology isdesigned with safety in mind. Our dryers use minimal energy and extracthumidity from the air, improving indoor air quality. Drytech heat pump dryersalso dry - more quickly and gently, accommodating a range of products.

6. Do you struggle with allergies orrespiratory issues caused by indoor air pollution? - Traditional dryers cancontribute to indoor air pollution, producing heat and humidity that cantrigger allergies and respiratory issues


Solve: With Drytech heat pump dryers, you can improve indoor air qualityand reduce the risk of allergies and respiratory issues. Our advancedtechnology extracts humidity from the air and produces less heat, creating ahealthier environment for you and your family. Drytech heat pump dryers alsodry - more quickly and gently.

7. Are you looking for ahigh-quality, reliable dryer that will last for years to come?  Choosing a high-quality dryer can be achallenge, as there are so many options on the market. It can be difficult toknow which one to choose and whether it will last.

Solve: With Drytech heat pump dryers, you can trust that you are getting ahigh-quality, reliable product that will last for years to come. Our advancedtechnology is designed for durability and efficiency, ensuring that your dryerwill last for many years. Drytech heat pump dryers also dry products morequickly and gently.

The DT300H is an advanced dryer that uses a heat pump technology to effectively dry your fruits. It has 100 pieces of trays, allowing you to quickly process high volumes of fruit. This dryer is energy efficient and can help reduce overall drying time and costs.

DT300H(100pcs trays)
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